Sending Orders on Time

It is important to send your order on time because you have promised something to your customers after all.

To get a clear picture of when orders need to be shipped, the orders will display a 'Ship by date' and an 'Expected on date'. This way, you know exactly how many and which orders need to be shipped today.

Ship by date products

The 'Ship by date' is displayed for each product in the order and may therefore differ per product. This date is determined by the following factors:

  1. Product availability:
    The product must be in stock and released for shipping.
  2. Cut-off time at the product's origin location:
    Once the product is available, the cut-off time is considered. This is the time when you or your staff stop processing orders. It is the latest time a customer can place an order to receive it the next business day.


  • If a customer orders a product at 12:00 and the cut-off time is 16:00, this order will have 'today' as the 'Ship by date' because it was ordered before the cut-off time and can still be processed.
  • If a customer orders the product at 16:01, it will have 'tomorrow' as the 'Ship by date' because it was ordered after the cut-off time.

How do I change the 'Ship by date' of a product?

  1. In the Afosto platform, go to Sales > Orders.
  2. Select the order.
  3. Go to the tab Products.
  4. Select the product or products for which you want to change the date.
  5. Click the button with the three dots next to the buttons that appear.
  6. Select the action 'Change Ship by date' from the list that appears.
  7. Select the desired date in the popup.
  8. Press save.

The 'Ship by date' has now been changed.

Expected on date products

This is the date when the customer expects the order. This is often related to the delivery time of the order, or the customer has indicated when they want to receive the order. The 'Ship by' and 'Expected on' dates are therefore always connected. In some cases, this date is automatically filled in thanks to a link with a third party (for example Bol), but sometimes this is not supported. In that case, you can manually add an 'Expected on' date.

How do I change the 'Expected on date' of a product?

  1. Select the order.
  2. Go to the tab Products.
  3. Select the product or products for which you want to change the date.
  4. Click the button with the three dots next to the buttons that appear.
  5. Select the action 'Change Expected on date' from the list that appears.
  6. Select the desired date in the popup.
  7. Press save.

The 'Expected on date' has now been changed.

How do I change cut-off times?

You add the cut-off times to your locations where you will handle the orders. At your location, you add the latest time for each day you handle orders by which a customer can place an order to receive it the next business day.